The Department of Plant Biotechnology was established in 1996 considering the need for trained human resources in the use of biotechnological tools for improvement of food/feed/fodder/ bio-energy crops.The Department is located in a new building called the ‘Advanced Centre for Plant Biotechnology’, with an area of 3380 sq.mts.. The building consists of research and teaching laboratories, class rooms, computer room, seminar room, auditorium and library. The department has both wired and wireless internet connection.
The department has equipped with advanced equipment’s required for molecular biology & biotechnology research such as HPLC, GC-MS, Lyophiliser, Micro Plate Reader, DNA Fragment Analyzer, Tissue Lyzer, Macro Molecule Analyzer, Deep Freezers, Advance Microscope, Co2 Incubatoretc.
M.Sc. (Agri.) in Plant Biotechnology :
The department offers M.Sc. (Agri.) in Plant Biotechnology with an intake capacity of 30 seats through all India level Entrance Exam (ICAR, and DBT HRD-GAT B). The Department also offers Ph.D. (Agri.) in Plant Biotechnology from 2003 with an intake capacity of six.
M.Sc. (Agri.) in Plant Biochemistry :
The University has had a M.Sc. (Agri) degree in Plant Biochemistry since 1976. The Department of Biochemistry was merged with the Department of Plant Biotechnology in 2005 and since then the M.Sc. (Agri.) in Plant Biochemistry is being offered from the Department. The Department also caters to several inter-departmental Biochemistry courses at GKVK. The Department also offers Ph.D. (Agri.) in Biochemistry from 2022-23.
M.Sc. (Agri.) in Plant Bioinformatics :
The Department of Plant Biotechnology has recently started M.Sc. (Agri.) in Bioinformatics from 2020-21 with an intake capacity of six.Besides this, ICAR students & international students are also admitted to the post-graduate degree programmes in the department.
There are about ten faculty members, who are actively involved in teaching PG and UG courses of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. The faculty has diversified background in various subjects such as Plant Biotechnology, Plant Biochemistry, Microbiology, Horticulture, Genetics & Plant Breeding, and Sericulture. They are specialized in areas such as Biochemistry, Plant Genetic Engineering, Plant Tissue culture, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Molecular markers, Enzyme kinetics, Metabolite purification, Biofuel, Biocontrol, Biofertilizers, Immunology, Bioinformatics, Nanotechnology andPlant cell Signalling.
Number of research projects are carried out in the department with financial support from in-house and from external funding agencies viz., DBT, DST, SERB, ICAR, and BIONEST, BIRAC, GOI. The faculties are actively involved in research and good number of publications in national & international journals have been published from the department.
The Major Research achievements and research areas of Department of Plant Biotechnology, UASB, GKVK Campus, Bangalore-560 065.
- High throughput detection method developed for Cardamom Mosaic Virus (CdMV) Diagnosis.
- Biosensor developed for detection of Papaya Ring Spot Virus (PRSV) infecting Papaya.
- Compost tea (CT) foliar spray technology developed for enhanced Biomass, Yield and Late Blight management in Potato crop
- Compost tea application for yield enhancement in groundnut, Marigold, Rice and other crops
- Early bearing and high yielding Jack fruit varieties such as , Lalbagh Madura, Swarna and Byrachandra, have been released, and are bearing fruits in 4 years.
- Elite Jack fruit geno types and varieties are multiplied for commercial purpose, with an annual revenue of Rs.8 to 9 lakhs
- A large number of genomic resources developed in Ragi and Chickpea
- Development of mapping populations and fine mapping of wilt resistance in Chickpea
- Heat tolerant inbred lines developed in Maize and promising hybrids produced
- Efficient strains of Microalgae for biofuel production identified
- Multigene approach for the development of transgenic maize against Turcicum leaf blight is under progress.
- Cloning and molecular characterization of antiviral proteins against BmNPV in mulberry plants (transient mode) is attempted.
- Photosynthesis of nano particles, and application in Agriculture
- DST-FIST funded, Department and Presently FIST- Level II is under operation
1.Compost tea for enhancing tuber yield and managing late blight in potato crop
Contact person: Dr. Veena S Anil Email:
2. Compost tea for enhancing yield in groundnut crop
Contact person: Dr. Veena S Anil Email:
3. Elite Jackfruit germplasm with early bearing, high yield and orange to red flake colours
Contact Person: Dr. Shyamalamma, S. Email:
4. Jackfruit Budding Technology standardized
Contact Person: Dr. Shyamalamma, S. Email:
Contact details :

Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
Application of Molecular markers in crop improvement, Plant tissue culture and its utility in Horticultural crops, Genetic diversity studies in Horticulture crops, especially in Jackfruit.

Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
M.Sc (Seri), M.Sc. (Crop Protection), Ph. D. (UK)
Cloning and Plant transformation, Plant virus molecular biology
Plant pathogen diagnostics, Silkworm molecular virology, diagnostics, Silkworm immune responses.

Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
M. Sc. (Botany), Ph.D. (Biochemistry) from Indian Institute of Science, PDF (Biochemistry, Cell Biology) from National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore
Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular aspect of Resistance to crop disease, Compost tea for Yield enhancement, Phytosynthesis of nanoparticles and application in Agriculture. The biochemistry of Sandalwood root parasitism.

Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
M.Sc. Ph.D. Biochemistry
Metabolomics and Functional genomics

Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
M.Sc (Pl. Biochem) from IARI, New Delhi,
Ph. D (Biotech. Crop Improvement)
Basic and Plant Biochemistry, Fermentation Biochemistry, Molecular and Biochemical marker studies, Nano stimulants studies Nutritional Biochemistry

M.Sc. Agri. (Agri. Biotech),Ph.D., P.D.F., PGDAEM
Associate Professor (Biotechnology)
Advanced Center for Plant Biotechnology,
College of Agriculture, UAS (B),
GKVK, Bengaluru-560065
Research Areas: Agricultural Biotechnology, Genome Engineering, Plant Tissue Culture, Transgenics, Seribiotechnology

M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology, Ph. D
Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
Plant and microbial biotechnology, recombinant proteins expression in yeast and in plants

M.Sc. (Agri.), PhD Plant Biotechnology
Cloning and expression of genes, Genome editing, Biopesticidesand Bioinformatics
+91- 7975450752

Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
M.Sc. Agri. Biotechnology
Molecular and Biochemical markers for crop improvement, Micropropagation, Gene transfer to plants.

Department of Plant Biotechnology, UAS Bangalore, GKVK campus, Bangalore-560 065
M.Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D. (Plant Biotech),
Plant cell and Tissue Culture, Metabolomics, Intellectual Property Rights, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology.
Facilities Available:
Water Purification System
QIAcube Ice maker
Eppendorf Concentrator
Capillary Electrophoresis
Tissue Lyser
Gel Doc Unit
Rotary Evaporator
Multiplate reader
Fluorescence Microscope
Plant Tissue Culture
Glass House
Biosafety Green House
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