- National Level Best State DAESI Award-2024 was bestowed to UAS-B by MANAGE, Hyderabad
- National Level DAESI Conclave was organized at GKVK on 18.10.2023

Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) is a decentralized and demand driven extension mechanism operating on the comparative strength of different stakeholders. It is a registered society responsible for technology dissemination at the district level through Strategic Research and Extension Plan (SREP). It can receive funds directly from GOI / State Govt., membership fees, beneficiaries contribution etc.
Establishes Linkage Among
- Line departments
- Research and extension organizations
- NGOs
- Agricultural Development Agencies
SREP Co-ordinators
- Prepare SREP through Participatory Mode
- Facilitate Implementing ATMA programmes
- To organize the HRD activities for the stakeholders of ATMA districts of the State.
- To distribute funds to the ATMA districts for organizing the district level activities.
- To guide the SREP Co-ordinators in implementation of ATMA programmes.
- Providing capacity building support in Extension Management related areas to the extension functionaries both from public and private sectors.
- Providing consultancy in the areas like project planning, appraisal, implementation etc.
- Developing and promoting the application of management tools for improving the effectiveness of agricultural extension services through better management of human and material resources.
- Organizing need based training programmes for middle level and grass-root level agricultural extension functionaries.
- Developing modules on Management, Communication, Participatory Methodologies etc, as a sequel to the feedback from training programmes.
Technical Staff

Dr. K. Shivaramu
Professor(Agril. Extension)
Training Coordinator,
& Coordinator(SAMETI South)
& Nodal Officer (AC&ABC)
Training Coordinator,
& Coordinator(SAMETI South)
& Nodal Officer (AC&ABC)
+91-99720 35456
- Page Visitors Count:
- Last Updated: ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 19, 2025
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© This website belongs to UAS, Bangalore, Govt. of Karnataka, India – 560065